For as long as I can remember, my heart has wallowed in this dark realm of fear and loathing for myself. For years, anyone who even remotely tried to bring any type of brightness to my world would be scratched at like the Jabberwocky.
I cannot even begin to explain why....
Was it pain?
I'm really not sure...and I hurt a lot of people because of it.
Today, as the last day of the year is upon me...I am finally ready to allow sunlight into the darkness....

I can remain faithful to the fact that I am willing and able to bear all of the wounds of my soul and try...
For the first time in my life...
My God...
I am willing to try!
So, this is my Mass of Remembrance....
To the darkness...
To the past....
To the pain....May it eternally rest in peace....
and May I continue to LIVE eternally in peace.
So this is your New Year resolution?