I cannot manage my emotions very well.
Okay, okay...that's not really a confession; an OBVIOUS statement, yes.
I guess I'm now more willing to admit, accept, and OWN up to the fact that I am an emotional wreck most days.
But, I try not to be.
Truth is, I can't manage my heart because I feel way too much. I see way too much. I hear way too much. And the results are always the same....I end up SPEAKING way too much.

Why can't I just MAKE. IT. WORK.
I got written up at work the other day; second time since I started working there four months ago. Problem is, I'm doing my job VERY WELL. I'm managing horrible and volatile cases of abused children with excellence....but I'm NOT managing my own life...and I'm getting punished for it. TWICE.
But, I am human. I am an ODD human. I am an expressive human. I am an emotional human. I say what I feel, when I feel it and who I feel it for.
And, I understand this about myself. I understand it's a huge issue. I get that. My mouth has gotten me in trouble my whole life.
But, how do I change who I am to fit into a mold of who I am not?
I know, I have to just MAKE. IT. WORK.....somehow.
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