Always. Take. Chances.
Whether it be a new job, a new relationship, or moving somewhere completely out of your comfort zone, never pass up those opportunities when they arise. You never know when you will get the chance again.
Be kind to yourself. Allow others to do the same.
Accept your flaws. In the end, these are the things that make you unique and beautiful.
Love yourself, and allow others to love you too. Even if it is scary and you may get hurt. Love is the greatest emotion humans are graced with.
Don't be afraid of what the future may hold. No one has a crystal ball to see their life unfold. Frankly, even if you were given one, would you really want to look?

Make peace with your family. You wont be able to when they are gone.
Forgive. Forgive everyone....even yourself.
Accept help. Don't allow your pride to get in the way. If you are struggling, let people help you when you fall down. You will be thankful you did, and so will they.
Breathe. No matter how bad it is, how angry you get, just remember to breathe....this too shall pass.
Listen. When you take the time to listen to others, the world teaches you more than you could ever imagine.
Most importantly, and please, trust me on this....
I hope you are taking your own advice seriously, because I agree with you 100%. All the great, wealthy people in the world, became rich by taking risks, or chances until they succeeded in whatever they loved doing, or whatever talents they had, they used to their utmost ability. You are talented in writing, and expressing your opinion, which you probably inherited from your father, me, so now pursue your abilities in a positive way, and don't give up on yourself, no matter what. Once you get established as a journalist, or writer for a newspaper, or magazine, or whatever, and people like your columns, you will begin to become more recognized, and popular. I watch Fox news in the evening, and all the well to do people on this program are writers, and very wealthy. Now, most of them are making millions on their books, because they have worked hard in their writings to become popular columnists, and people want to read what they have to say about things in general. I love writing as one of my interests, next to art, and the reason I went back to college in my 40's, was to learn how to write properly. I have written hundreds of articles about controversial issues of the day, and some have been published, and I get allot of positive recognition just from local people who have read my articles in the newspaper. Someday, when I can donate the time and energy into writing a book, I have an ambition to do this. We are all blessed to live in a great country like America, where you can reach for the moon, and achieve whatever it is you wish to achieve, because the opportunities are at your disposal. Now, go for it! You have the advantage of still being young enough to make a big change in your life, because you haven't invested too much time in what you've been doing so far. Amy, you won't be happy or content until you are satisfied with what you have accomplished in your life, and only you know what that will be, and only you must put the effort forth to achieve your goals. You have all of the right ideas for moving ahead, and what it will take, so what are you waiting for? I wish I would've gone allot further then I did, but I am proud to have accomplished what I did do in my life, like raising wonderful, intelligent children like you. What will make me the happiest, and proudest is knowing all of my children made good, successful lives for themselves. I will always love you, your Dad