I lie awake in bed some nights, unable to sleep because my mind just doesn't seem to want to shut up. I fight with it sometimes; argue with the tiny voice inside of me that doesn't seem to want to be still...
So, I write....
and write...
and think....
Lately, I've been contemplating what the world would be like without things like computers, social media or text messaging. Who would YOU still talk to? Who would you take the time to visit? Would you write someone a letter? Would you actually pick up the phone and call a friend?
I get quite frightened sometimes and start to believe that the world has grown quite cold...and I'm not speaking about the frigid drop in temperture outside. It has become apparent to me that no one really seems to take the time for one another any more.

I must admit, however, that I use technology quite frequently. I text people all the time. I use Facebook everyday. I'm typing on a computer right now! Still, as I contemplate why I do these things, I realize that it's because I feel so disconnected from the people I once knew, the people I love, the people I call friends; I have no alternative then to use these new age communication tools.

So, how do we change this as a society? How can we connect to one another again? Truth is, I don't think we can. We will eventually all have to unplug. Whether or not it is in this world or in the next. For me, I want to be able to learn to communicate in this life.....because once darkness sets in....how are we ever going to survive?
George was a cool dude!