My parents baptized me into the Catholic faith, where I was assigned a godfather, (still not quite sure what that even means) and then, they sent me to a Catholic school, where I was beaten, quite literally, with a bible on a daily basis. My young mind, while too young to comprehend any better, truly believed that the angels were having a bowling tournament every time there was a thunderstorm. And, why not; I mean, if there really was some dude up there that can make ANYTHING happen, I'm sure he could let his angels play bowling if and when they wanted to...right??
Now, please don't misconstrue my sarcasm. I am NOT an atheist, I am NOT a devil worshiper, and I am NOT the anti-Christ. In fact, I'm not anything. I'm just a human being. I'm a really awesome person trying to make it through a not so awesome world.
SO....Why are ye fearful? Oh ye of little faith.

I like Jesus. I think he's a pretty cool dude. In fact, I even like the idea that there may be a "God" out there, but my problem is his fan club.
Everyday I am bombarded with bible toting Jesus Freaks, shouting his name like teenage girls at a Justin Beiber concert; quite disturbing.
The differnece between Beiber fans and Jesus fans, you ask? Well, Beiber fans are happy. JB fans don't tell you that you are going to go to a place filled with fire and brimstone if you dont like him as much as they do. JB fans don't hate you because you celebrate Halloween, or because you happen to like the same sex. In fact, JB fans would probably invite you to their Beiber party if they found out these things about you! True Story!
"OMG. Like, Jesus is like, so totally dreamy!!"
"I know! Did you see how he turned that water into wine? Like, how HAWT!"

YOU HAVE TO TRY IT AGAIN!! IT WILL BE DIFFERENT! PIZZA WILL SAVE YOU!!!!Sorry folks, it just doesnt work that way. Eventually, people will not only NEVER want to try pizza, they will HATE pizza, and

I'm sorry, but I will NOT and can NOT believe for one millisecond that Jesus would start wars in "his name," or condemn people for all eternity because they are in love. C'mon, people! Jesus don't hate!
He doesn't even hate Satan. Disappointed, yes...Hate...No!
Still, there are Jesus fans out there (such as myself) that do not go around preaching judgement or hate, or shoving religion down your throat like a pregnant woman craving chocolate. There are those who respect others beliefs and keep their own beliefs to themselves...ya know, the way it's supposed to be.

My point here is, I don't want to hear it. I keep my faith the way I want to keep it. I believe that I am a good person, and if there is a God, or if I'm really am going to meet St. Peter at those pearly gates one day, I think I'll be judged on my behavior...NOT because I attended church every Sunday, or memorized bible verses.
Peace and Love to All.
Proverbs:Chapter 3,verses 5,6,7,8; Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths. Don't be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, respect the Lord and turn your back on evil. Then you will gain renewed health and vitality.
ReplyDelete21st century Christians believe the "Word of God" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradictory copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century. That's not faith, that's insanity. But this Jesus guy (and that's all he was and ever is -- a MAN) sounds pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously have been coerced into believing this nonsense to keep you from believing in the only true God. This is a deceitful trick of the devil to win people over to his side, so you will end up with him in your next life. "Only a fool denies there is a God." Hopefully, someday you will see the light of God, and get out of this darkness with no hope, you seem to be dwelling in along with many other nonbelievers in the world today. You can not possibly believe this short span of life we have here on earth is the only life we will ever know after we have passed on. I know I will have a much better life after this one here on earth is over, and I will be spending eternity with my Savior, Jesus Christ. My Faith in believing this makes me know it is true, and the truth will make you free, saith; the Lord.
DeleteScience is the work of the devil! The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not up believe it. Only god can judge, remember that from your ancient contradictory texts that are in little ways accurate moral compasses for the modern world? I hope that Kool-Aid tastes wonderful! It's clearly coursing through your system, causing you to alienate those close to you and elevate your level of hubris. Believe whatever you want. But stop pushing it on others! Your belief structure is based on ways to control the people! Think for yourself. God didn't do that, you did.
ReplyDeleteThere is no control over any of us, unless we live in a country where the government controls us, which America under Obama is leaning towards this concept. God gave us all a free will to do and to choose whatever way we decided we wanted to live our lives as individual minded people. He didn't intend on creating all of us as His robots, or He would have. It is our choice to believe whatever we wish, and my choice to believe in what I choose to believe in. I do not belong to any law abiding religion, Jesus hates religion, and I only know Jesus Christ as my own personal savior, who I pray to all of the time for His help and guidance in making the right decisions for a wonderful life. I show my love for Him by obeying His commandments, and He rewards me with a very good, and prosperous life, so what more could I ask for. I was only trying to let anyone who wants to know, that the truth is in God's Word, and it is there for all of us to take it, and believe it, or leave it, our choice. Have a blessed day with Christ, as I am having.
DeleteAs the writer of this blog, I am happy that there are two sides of this 'debate' going on. However, I just need to clarify my point, as again I do not want it misconstrued. I like Jesus, but I do not want anyone to wish upon his "saving" of my soul to me...because that is telling me you believe I am some sort of evil, Satan worshiping devil woman, which I am not. But, thank you for your blessing anyway! Peace to whatever form you may want it. <3
DeleteNo matter how you feel, or how you consider yourself to be, God loves you anyway. God created all of us out of His love for us, and no matter who you are, or what you've done in the past, he will forgive you if you only ask for His forgiveness. "God loves the sinner; He hates only the sin." Nobody can save you, or force you to want to be saved, you can only save yourself by making your own individual choice to be saved. Religion makes you feel like you have to abide by all of those "man-made" rules in order to be saved, but this is not true. Since I have accepted Jesus Christ into my life as my savior, my life has improved over 100%, and God makes it very obvious He is in your life just by the total peace of mind you get, and all fear is gone, because He is in your life now protecting you, and directing you towards having a much better life through Him. No one is twisting your arm to believe in God, it's entirely up to you. I can understand why people who have been brought up under the wrath of religion to be turned off by God, but don't blame God this is man's doing, and God despises the laws man has put on religion. Consider the Muslim's for example, and look at what their religion has done to them, with thinking that all people who don't believe their way, in Allah as their God, should be eliminated from this earth. They have been known to murder their own offspring, spouses, or any family member if they dare to break any of the laws of their religion, or convert to any other religion, and they will be rewarded by Allah in their afterlife. How absurd is this, to believe your God wants you to murder for him. My God is a God of peace, and love, and forgiveness, and mercy, and considers me His child, and treats me like a Father would treat his own children. I was always afraid of dying, but now that I believe I will be in Heaven when I die, I have no more fear of dying of old age, of course. How wonderful to know I will see my parents again someday, and all of the good people who were saved through God's salvation while here on earth. I feel sorry for people who don't believe in Heaven, and lose someone they loved very much, because they have no hope, or faith in someday seeing and being with them again. I love, loving Jesus as my own personal savior, because I know He will do all of the things He said he would do for me from His Holy Word, and through the power of prayer. God really does love you, and how much are you missing out on by not loving Him in return, so He can pour His glory on you, and also be a child of God. Take it, or leave it, I took it and I am so thankful I did. God's peace be with you.
ReplyDeleteSir you are a fool to think that Christianity has not caused many innocent deaths, rapes, and treason. It was the CHRISTIAN CHURCH that dishonored Galieo for saying the world was not flat. It was the CHRISTIAN CHURCH who hid crimes against little boys committed by "holy men of god." Make no mistake, it is for a CHRISITAN GOD that MILLIONS of lives have been lost unnecessarily throughout history. Not to mention corruption of church money throughout history. You cannot play that off as simple "misinterpretations of gods word." And you're clearly showcasing your very special brand of holier than thouism on this thread. Do some research about Islam before you talk about them next time, because "oops" your ignorance is showing! If god is there we are not breaking any of his commandments or having any other gods before him EVEN IF we don't accept him. It's time for humans to evolve. A belief in a force greater than ourselves is wonderful. But when those beliefs turn into hatred for others different from you, then religion becomes extremely detrimental to humanity, which it already has. And don't get confused, quoting all of the bible versus absolutely makes you a religious follower of a religion.Peace!
ReplyDeleteYou seem to want to blame God for the mistakes, and corruption made within organized "man-made" religions, and this is exactly what the devil wants you to do, so don't be fooled by the devil, and lose your soul to him. The Bible says; " Never trust man." and "Only a fool denies there is a God." Wake up whoever you are, before it's too late for you. "God's peace be with you." I already have His peace.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to want to continue to misinterpret every single thing I say. Get schooled for an entire comment and then focus on one sentence to boost your ignorant personal agenda.
ReplyDeleteSound familiar? Yes, it happens every day with your beloved holy books. Historical fact dictates that religion has killed more people than anything else. Scientific fact dictates that creationism is nonsense. Blame god? That's a fantastic argument. Really well done sir, wow. Put the reality glasses on, whoever you are. They call in the Christian American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. Clearly that Kool Aid has you in a beautiful, sweet slumber.
They said science is the work of the devil. They said music is the work of the devil. Anything questioning the indoctrination is blasphemy.
Religion is destroying humanity. The only devil is the one disguised as good, which really only divides and destroys the people. The only "God's Peace" you have is in your mind. I, however, have the peace and love of millions of other anonymous across the world. The only devil at work is that of religion. May you someday see the light of human truth and good, and not need to rely on ancient texts to tell you how to live a good life. If you cannot see the damage that does to those that love you and might not believe what you do, then you are beyond anyone's help.
I can tell by your way of thinking, and my way of thinking that is too far opposite from each other, so unless you would consider what I am saying as being somewhat realistic through factual evidence that the Bible is true, I would never believe in whatever you are trying to convince me into believing what you seem to believe in, which to me is meaningless. What you are saying is idol talk with allot of man made rhetoric added. I will never argue over what I believe in, and you will never change my Faith in the Almighty, so we should end with that. I was only trying to save you from spending eternity in Hell, your choice.
DeleteThat's a great tune BTW
ReplyDeleteI'm a Godfather to two people who are now 30 something adults and I still haven't figured that one out yet...