
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, let me continue....
Let me begin by admitting to all who are reading that I am on welfare. *GASP*
She must be lazy!
Maybe you should go back to school and get an education?!Get a job!!
Oh, I didn't realize you were paying with FOOD STAMPS!Yes, all of the above statements have been said to me and about me. No, I am not lazy. In fact, I have been working since I was twelve years old. My first job, aside from assisting my older brother with his paper route, was a babysitting job for my next door neighbor. Since then, I've been working non-stop at various places, such as restaurants, retail stores, animal shelters and the like.
Furthermore, I am educated. I have two college degrees. I was, unlike a lot of people in this country, fortunate enough to go to school, obtain an education and graduate with honors. Since I graduated in 2007, I have been working in the social services field; I have yet to find anything full-time. Because of this, I've been working at least two to three jobs at a time just to get by. None of these jobs provide any type of fringe benifits and unfortunately, for me, I need constant medical attention.

Now what the hell do I do?So, I had no other choice but to apply for WELFARE! Yup, that's right folks, medical assistance IS welfare. Some of you may be thinking:
Well, there is a little thing called the pre-exsisting illness clause. Basically, that means that, you can buy health care through a company (if they let you) for at the very least $450.00 a month. The only problem is, you will NOT be covered for your condition for one year. So, that's like buying a car you can't drive for a whole year...and....well, I'm not an idiot. So, medical assistance was my only option.Duh, why didn't she just pay for her own health insurance?
Hmmm....and, how is that? Because, I am taking the time to EXPLAIN my situation....when, in reality, it's really no ones buisness. By the way, I'm NOT done yet.But this is different, Amy!

Yes, I have an IPhone. Yes, I have a pretty nice, newer car. Yes, I have a Coach purse (Its fake). Yes, I have a tattoo, and, yes...I dress nice. There is no rule book for being poor. There is no law stating that if you are poor...you must automatically dress like a scumbag. I shop at consignment shops and look just as nice as the chick who just spent $80.00 on a dress at the Mall. My point is, I had all of these things before I fell on hard times, but I am now going to be judged because I'm going through a rough patch? I think this country needs a lesson on empathy.
Oh, that's right...Sorry, Mr. Romney...I must have forgot...
But, Amy, the majority of the people on welfare don't need to be on it. They are abusing the system...most of them are drug addicts....Oh...Well, bust my buttons...I had NO idea! Please, tell me where you receive your information, or are you simply generalizing? So, if I say that the majority of black people are thieves....does this give me the right to automatically think and say that ALL black people are going to rob me when I see one?
Quick, hide yo' shit girl! The black folk are comin'!Of course not because that would be racisit! But, if I work in a grocery store and I know tomorrow is 'food stamp' day....it's okay for me to say/think/post on Facebook....
OMG. So I just totally had a girl at the store pay with food stamps while she was playing on her Iphone and sporting a Gucci wallet. She then got into a really nice car! Wish I could live off of the system!Makes sense.....
I have just one very simple point to this whole story:
Educate yourself before you make assumptions about others....and please, please, pleaseeeeeee...........if you think that tax breaks for the rich are NOT the same as any type of welfare for the poor....you have some serious mind control issues going on...as a good friend of mine once stated: "It's all government cheese no matter how you slice it."Do Not Judge What You Don't Understand.
You Rock Amy .
ReplyDelete:) <3
DeleteUnfortunately, it is human nature to stereo-type other people who they do not consider to be in the same class category as they are. People who are ignorant by their nature or upbringing usually have to feel better then others, because they are either suffering with low self-esteem, or they are just predjudice against all others who are not like them, or think like them. There are plenty of people in America right now who need help with welfare assistance, food stamps, unemployment benefits, or any other government provided aid which is available for the needy, and thank God for it. However, there are also plenty of people in America who know how to play the system to their advantage, who are well enough off financially, and are undoubtedly being fraudulent, causing all of the hard working, taxpayers to have to fund these phonies through their tax dollars. The problem is; how do you sort out the phonies, from the good, honest people who really need this temporary help in their time of desperate need? So, again people who need their self esteem up lifted, persecute anyone they see on financial aid, because they are fortunate enough not to need welfare at the time. I myself have had to unfortunately accept walfare temporarily during my lifetime, and I also felt at one of the lowest points in my life, because I wanted to be working and earning my income to provide for my family, but at the time I wasn't able to on account of my disability. It felt like I had to sell my soul for this little bit of help I needed to recieve during this low point in my life, but thank God it was available for me to feed my family on, until I was able to return to my job. I learned from this experience that you can't let it bother you, of what other people think of you, because they don't really matter to you, and they don't have a clue of your situation at hand. All of life is a learning experience for all of us who live long enough, but we all need to enjoy life no matter how bad it seems at the time, because when you think about it, life is too short to keep yourself under stress continuously. You have to look at the brighter side, and be glad you don't have it worse then most people who really have it bad all of the time. We must learn to count our blessings, and pray for those who are less fortunate, and if we can help them also. It is very self rewarding to help others in need, and to stop feeling it is all about me. Live your life to the fullest, and complaining about how bad your life is going will only do more harm to you then good. This is a lesson we all need to learn, and continue to work at being more positive and happy we are still alive and able to function relatively normal. Thank God there is welfare for those who need it.
ReplyDeleteGod didn't create welfare. Stop acting like it did. Also, any military personnel "just following orders" and killing, raping, torturing or otherwise displacing innocent Iraqi and Afghani people and the corrupt, corporate owned government they serve are doing far more damage to American life than ANY person on welfare ever did. Please, for the love of your god, wake the hell up. Annonymous is a name is reserved for those who do not support corrupt, evil corporate government. We are annonymous. We are many. We do not forgive atrocities of government and military. We do not forget oppression and censorship. Watch us on the streets of Brazil at this very moment. Not on your TV news. Expect us.