If I could ever have a daughter, I would teach her that sticks and stones can and will break her bones, but words.....words can cut deeper than any object.
If I could ever have a daughter I would teach her that the two most important things you can have in this life are Love and Respect....
....but you cannot have one without the other.
If I could ever have a daughter, she would know the difference between fairy-tales and reality and that she is indeed a princess, despite the presence of a tiara or prince.
If I could ever have a daughter, she would be allowed to play with barbies and look at fashion magazines if she wanted to, but she would know that true beauty comes from within the soul.
If I could ever have a daughter, I would paint her room the night sky, so she would never be fearful of the dark. The sky is a reminder that there are no limits to her life when there are footprints on the moon.
If I could have a daughter, I would teach her the value of a dollar, but the quality of a life.

If I could ever have a daughter I would help her realize the importance of her homework, because even though we may not use most of this information as adults, it's the responsibility that we carry with us throughout our lifetime.
If I could ever have a daughter, I would tell her to go after the boy who will eventually break her heart, but remember that her mama will be here waiting at the door with chocolate and a warm embrace. Because there is very little chocolate can't cure...or hugs.
If I could ever have a daughter, she would never forget how much she was loved...
If I could ever have a daughter...