While I have argued and will argue that this statement is undoubtedly true, I am now becoming increasingly aware to the fact that, sometimes, it's the scenery that stops YOU from changing.

Over the course of the past two years, I have worked quite diligently on myself and the inner workings of AMY.
What is it that makes me tick, what makes me smile, what makes me angry, what makes me happy, how much can I handle, what kind of people do I want in my life...etc.
I've devoted so much time and energy focusing on myself, and I am still not fully where I want to be.
Still, I am trying every day to improve.
There is ALWAYS room for improvement.
The road to self discovery can only be paved by your own self fulfillment....no one else's, so most of my recent time has been spent alone doing the things that I want to do; my humble abode has been my place of solace....
Now, as I have reached another turning point in my life, I am more than ready to pick up all of my newness and move on. I have been feeling less than satisfied with where I am. The scenery in which I am located has been bringing me down...back to a place that I worked so hard to pull myself out of.

Everywhere I turn, or shop, or hangout, is just another bad memory. Another place where my past creeps in and shows me the person I used to be. Reminds me of those demons I used to bear....and usually, they all come creeping back to me....and I react on them. I am done. I'm over it. I have no more care for this place I once called home.
Of course this place will always be a part of me. My family, some people I can still and always will call friends reside here, and those good memories will never leave my heart. But, for me and my sanity, I think it's time for my ruby slippers to click three times and find another place I can truly call...
home sweet home.