In twenty-seven days, I will celebrate my third decade of existence on this planet. I'm wondering, however, what does this mean exactly? 30....Thirty....fucking THIRTY!!! I mean, according to the societal stigma placed on women, I'm supposed to be married and have like 3 offspring by now, right? If I was a tiger, I would have been past my prime decades ago, but...the fact is folks, I'm not a tiger, or a frog, or a horse, or, apparently, a normal female. No, because I look at love and life a little differently.I really thought that LOVE would save us all...
Are you married?
You have any kids?
*Assuming I am now a lesbian*

When I love someone...I love them with everything I have. Physical, emotional, material, mental....everything I theirs. And while, some may argue this isn't the best's my approach and it's my emotions.
Truth is.....
Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic, or maybe I'm just a fool. But....It's been brought to my attention recently, that I deserve more than what I've been seeking. I'm confused by this sentiment. Frankly, if I want something, isnt that what I deserve? I mean....I'm allowed to be selfish every now and then right? Maybe I'm not making any sense right now....I dont know if I ever make any sense. Maybe thats my problem....communication.
But, how do you communicate love? I think I do a pretty damn good job at showing it. I know I say it enough. I know I do enough....what more do they want?
It just seems like no one wants my passion....there is always someone better. Always someone prettier....someone with bigger tits. Someone smarter. I cant compete anymore....and I'm tired of trying.